Upload Dial plan to SBC

You can upload dial plans to an SBC device from an external file (*.csv). You can create the file using any text-based editor such as Notepad or Microsoft Excel. The file must be saved with the *.csv file name extension. Once imported to Live Platform, the dial plan is also synchronized to update the Dial Plan table on the SBC device. This enables customers to manage dial plan rules directly from the Live Platform(without the need to configure the dial plans on the SBC device).

To upload dial plan:
1. Configure the file in the format shown below:


DialPlanName: Name of the dial plan. This name must appear for each entry in the dial plan.
Prefix: Source or destination number prefix.
Tag: Result of the user categorization and can be used as matching characteristics for routing and outbound manipulation. See tag types in Manage SBC Prefixes.

A range of numbers should be configured as follows:

When importing a CSV file, its recommended to open the file it in a text editor to ensure that the file syntax is correct (as shown in the example above). Also ensure that there are no empty lines in the file.
Headers are not required when configuring single numbers.
Number ranges can only be configured with SysAdmin permissions.
2. Click Browse and choose the file that you configured above. The new entries are displayed in the lower pane.

3. Click Save to apply the configuration.

Once the dialplan is imported, the new entries are displayed in the Dialplan on the SBC device with the rule name inheriting the Short Customer Name. In the example above, the customer shortname is “dr_cust_mazxch”.

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

The numbers send to the SBC end with #. For Example, the entered number is +31365461212 and the actual number send to the SBC dialplan rule is +31365461212#.